Pero para ti no será una barbaridad. Recuerda, una vez el grupo trensim lo dijo
"El foro trensim tiene un ampli abanico de usuarios de todas las edades"
En Chile es palabra es.... una groseria muy refea. Solo lo digo por eso.
And now they're alone in New York City (New York City),
Living like ... Lord, I wonder how.
Two angels in hell in New York City (New York City),
But I can't think about that now.
I can't think about that now.
La virgen santísima divina! Qué haces tu, mirando el circo?!!
Iarnrod Eireann o IE.
And now they're alone in New York City (New York City),
Living like ... Lord, I wonder how.
Two angels in hell in New York City (New York City),
But I can't think about that now.
I can't think about that now.