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Two new "Tools for RailWorks" Scenarios and Routes utility

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Two new "Tools for RailWorks" Scenarios and Routes utility

Notapor Claudio1964 » Dom Mar 06, 2011 10:24 pm

Greetings to all,

I Write for comunicate the availability of two new "Tools for RailWorks"

"Rw Merge Route" will allow the union of more routes between them and a second software "Rw Scenarios Manager" exactly as in MSTS and Trainz you can finally save your sessions, archive and manage to recover from them, will all be available and reactivated in time.

Rw Merge Route can be found here:

Rw Scenarios Manager can be found here:

My hope that these tools are useful to you.

Regards Claudio
Mensajes: 6
Registrado: Vie Mar 04, 2011 12:51 am

Re: Two new "Tools for RailWorks" Scenarios and Routes utili

Notapor Bermúdez » Dom Jun 24, 2012 11:43 pm

Ciao Claudio, l'utility 'RW Scenarios Manager' funziona alla perfezione.
Mille Grazie.
Un saludo. :wink: - Foro y descargas para TS2020
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