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Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

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Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor brianbwlim » Lun Mar 21, 2011 2:32 pm

CNQ Top and Tail - Default Stock V_3.0.rwp

CNQ Top and Tail - Freeware Stock V_1.5.rar

CNQ Top and Tail - Payware Stock V_1.5.rar

TNT What is different:
- With TNT, The Rear Car is 99.99% same as Front car.
- Even you can not know which one is real Front and Rear.

- BR294,Class166 ->Smoke Added
- Class101, Class111 -> Rear Screaming Removed

- Rear car has Sound, Bell, Wiper Operation like Front.
- You can even connect different Locos like 55-47-37-40...

What is TNT-fied:
- Defaut Stock - Every Default Stock have TNT Function.
- Payware Stock - Almost ALL of Payware is TNT-fied
- Freeware Stock - Many Repaint are TNT-fied.

How to USE:
1. Make Another RW directory for TNT
2. Install Default Stock V_3.0.rwp
3. Install Any Payware/Freeware you want to TNT
4. Copy(Overwirte) corresponding BIN files from RAR files

About TNT Option:
- "Ctrl+T" will Change TNT state.
State 0 - No TNT
State 1 - Partial TNT -> Sound, Smoke
State 2 - Full TNT -> Sound, Smoke, Horn, Bell, Wiper

How to know which TNT state RW is: When you press "Ctrl+T"
State 0 -> You will hear Horn!
State 1 -> Horn and you will see Smoke Surge
State 2 -> Horn, Smoke Surge and you will see Wiper moving

- Payware Pack has some Input mapper files.
It is better to copy them, before any payware installation!
Última edición por brianbwlim el Jue Mar 24, 2011 6:48 pm, editado 2 veces en total
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: TNT (Top and Tail)

Notapor cercanias_mostoles » Lun Mar 21, 2011 3:38 pm

Alguien me puede explicar en que consiste esto? esque he visto que es para rw pero no entiendo que significado tiene :?
Un saludo
Mensajes: 48
Registrado: Lun Feb 07, 2011 11:26 pm

Re: TNT (Top and Tail)

Notapor brianbwlim » Lun Mar 21, 2011 5:02 pm

TNT (Top and Tail) is Railroad Terminology:

Which means there are Head Locos in the front and also there are Tail Locos at the Rear!

Currrently, With RW2, the Rear Loco is just in initial state(Sound... and everything),
when the front run/stop, engine stop/start... the rear is always in initial state.

With this TNT pack is installed... the Rear operate just like the Front...

This pack also removes the famous "High Pitvh Tone Noise" of Class 101/111 Rear Car!

Sorry for english, English is the unique languge for my foreign language!
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: TNT (Top and Tail)

Notapor Francesc SV » Lun Mar 21, 2011 6:46 pm

Básicamente, nuestro compañero nos ofrece la posibilidad de descargarnos una aplicación para RW que consigue que las dobles tracciones por cola funcionen (o sea, que la locomotora en cola no circule sólo al ralentí, sino que empuje) o que en las unidades autopropulsadas los motores de atrás traccionen en lugar de quedarse al ralentí. También ha implementado mejoras en algunas de las locomotoras (la BR284, la serie 166...) y ha suprimido el ruido que hacían los coches de cola de la serie 101 y 111.

Explica, finalmente, el modo de instalarlo y recomienda hacer copias de algunos archivos de material payware.

Como yo en eso de la informática sigo siendo tan asno como al principio, declino la tentación de intentar traducirlo, para no meter la pata hasta el cuello :oops: :oops:
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Francesc SV
Mensajes: 2304
Registrado: Dom Abr 16, 2006 4:22 pm
Ubicación: Santa Pola (Alacant)

Re: TNT (Top and Tail)

Notapor Francesc SV » Lun Mar 21, 2011 6:50 pm

brianbwlim escribió: Sorry for english, English is the unique languge for my foreign language!

Don't worry mate, we'll translate for you. It sounds like a very interesting programme. I daren't translate the install instructions, though! I'm pretty thick with regards to computers... :oops:

Thanks, anyway!
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Francesc SV
Mensajes: 2304
Registrado: Dom Abr 16, 2006 4:22 pm
Ubicación: Santa Pola (Alacant)

Re: TNT (Top and Tail)

Notapor cercanias_mostoles » Lun Mar 21, 2011 8:25 pm

Gracias por las aclaraciones a los dos :wink: Parece interesante el programilla habra que ver como funciona! thank you brianbwlim
Un saludo
Mensajes: 48
Registrado: Lun Feb 07, 2011 11:26 pm

Re: TNT (Top and Tail)

Notapor brianbwlim » Mar Mar 22, 2011 2:51 am

Do you Know Railworks does not care nothing for Spanish!
I mean RSC and any most of payware vendor do not care for Spanish!

How can I say!

Spanish will run RW with Spanish Language mode!

Then you will loose every loco name with "Drive by Train" mode!
That is because RSC never write correct loco name in the Spanish Loco name field - they are blank!

This TNT pack have filled every Spanish Loco name field
- Sorry it is the same as English name field!!--- As I do not know spanish
- But it is far better than nothing!

I did this Spanish name filling for ALL Payware and Freeware Stock!

I did not do that for Default stock to let you feel how RSC treat Spanish!

But later version, I will fill Spanish name field for Default Stock Also!!
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: TNT (Top and Tail)

Notapor locomoto » Mar Mar 22, 2011 12:25 pm

Thank you very much, Brianbwlim, for all the effort than you put on this! :app: :app:
Bueno, por lo que he visto no se trata de ningún programa sino que el amigo Brianbwlim ha editado montones de archivos del material original y de diverso material 'payware' y 'freeware' para implementar las funciones que indica (tremendo trabajo!). Funciones que por cierto podría haber incluido Steam en alguna de sus innumerables actualizaciones...
Pero según tengo entendido, cada vez que Railworks se actualiza machaca cualquier cambio que hayamos realizado en los archivos originales del juego o en los del material que ellos venden...(algo que pienso que no deberían hacer). Creo que ello no afectaría a lo que se refiere al material 'freeware' o al 'payware' de terceros. Siendo así me supongo que habría que instalar nuevamente estos parches después de cada actualización salvo, imagino, para ese material que no tiene que ver con ellos.
Brianbwlim indica que hagamos otro directorio de RW para su TNT, lo cual interpreto como tener un segundo Railworks en el disco duro 'desconectado' de Steam. Dudo que Steam deje tener dos Railworks en el mismo ordenador...Si no es así únicamente se me ocurre hacer una copia de nuestro Railworks en otro directorio y meterle un 'crack'...Ignoro si sería legal tener una versión 'crackeada' de un producto que uno ha adquirido legalmente...Imagino que se podría equiparar a lo de hacer una copia privada de un CD de música...No lo se.
Un saludo amigos! :D
Mensajes: 527
Registrado: Mié Ene 28, 2009 8:50 pm

Re: TNT (Top and Tail)

Notapor brianbwlim » Mié Mar 23, 2011 7:50 am

TNT Release Notice:

I have implemented Long(High) Beam and Short(Low)Beam functions.

How to use:
- "Ctrl+H" will change state
- State 0 : No Beam
- State 1 : Short Beam
- State 2 : Long Beam

This can be applied to any locos!
I will apply it to ALL UK Locos and then to ALL US Locos!

This next version will be released soon!

As I promised, next version will have Spanish loco names for ALL default Stocks!

And if you want some Spanish or other locos to have TNT or High Beam functions,,,
Just ask me, then I can make it for you!
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: TNT (Top and Tail)

Notapor brianbwlim » Jue Mar 24, 2011 2:22 pm

High Beam For UK Class37 Default has been done!

This pre-release who want to see it NOW!

CNQ Top and Tail - Default Stock V_3.1.rwp

Ctrl+H will control High Beam Status..

And Ctrl+L will Control LENS display!

State 0 - HB LENS will not be shown!
State 1 - HB LENS will be shown!

Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor locomoto » Jue Mar 24, 2011 7:38 pm

Thanks again, Brianbwlim! Great work! :app: :app: :app:
Mensajes: 527
Registrado: Mié Ene 28, 2009 8:50 pm

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor brianbwlim » Jue Mar 24, 2011 11:28 pm

TNT Service release:

This version has HLB functions:

Use Ctrl+H, Ctrl+L to control HLB!

CNQ Top and Tail - Default Stock V_3.2.rwp

What is changed:
- Default Class37 has HLB
- From 3.1 ->Rear Lght Glow NOT working fixed - Original BUG fixed!

This is a service release for Chinese,,
in return for their GREATEST work on Freeware Locos!


- What is Changed:
- DF4, DF5, ND5 -> TNT-fied and HLB added!
- You will see thiis version has a lot better HLB than the original!
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor brianbwlim » Vie Mar 25, 2011 6:11 am

CNQ TNT HLB Service release:

For German!!

This is HLB refurbished BR294!


This type of Loco is good to install HLB!!
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor brianbwlim » Vie Mar 25, 2011 9:52 am

CNQ TNT HLB Service release:
For UK mania!

This is HLB refurbished Class47!


Default Lamp will be replaced for HLB!
Any idea for Good HLB location?!

Control Keys:

Ctrl+T -> TNT Control
Ctrl+H -> HLB Control
Ctrl+L -> Lens Control
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

Re: Better RW - TNT (Top and Tail) and HLB(High Light Beam)

Notapor brianbwlim » Vie Mar 25, 2011 1:27 pm

CNQ TNT HLB Service release:
For UK mania!

This is HLB refurbished Class55!


Default Lamp completely match with HLB Lamp!

So this is perfect HLB!!!
You do not need to turn off HLB Lamp!!

BTW, This time I noticed Default lamp graphic is SO poor!!!
Compare it with HLB Lamp!!
Mensajes: 66
Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am


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