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PRR Eastern Division

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PRR Eastern Division

Notapor alexcasado » Lun Dic 19, 2011 4:17 pm

Hola alguien sabe que archivos hay que descargar para instalar esta ruta?

Gracias y saludos :)
Mensajes: 117
Registrado: Mar Mar 08, 2011 9:07 am

Re: PRR Eastern Division

Notapor 444.518 » Lun Dic 19, 2011 4:34 pm

El 'Readme.txt' de la ruta Indica lo siguiente:

Installation Instructions;

The PRR Eastern Division Public Beta has been packaged as an eight file spanned install for a mini route. This was done to avoid problems created by the use of custom track and shapes that would be trashed under a normal install as an add on route. To reduce the overall size of the download and to honor the request of various contributors of the custom consists and trainsets, this Public Beta only contains the basic activities and trainsets needed to get you started.

Before attempting to install this route, you MUST have all eight zip files downloaded, unpacked, and all eight spanned files with the name "Train Simulatoracbd-PRR.", where abc. ranges from 01 to 08, must be placed together in a temporary location.

The file Train Simulator-PRR.Part01.exe is a self extracting winrar file. Just double click on the icon to start the installation. When the display screen opens, change the install path to the drive location of your choice, usually C.

Important: Do Not point the destination path to the route folder of your default install of MSTS. It will not run from there. Send it to your hard drive instead. That can be C, or if you have one, D. A folder called "Train Simulator-PRR" will be created which will contain the custom stand alone mini route of the PRR Eastern Division.

The installation will proceed to unpack all eight spanned files to your destination until completed. This process make take a minute before the display screen opens. It may take from 10 to 30 minutes to complete its task.

After the installation has finished, you will need to do the following in order to satisfy MSTS Eula requirements;

1. If you haven't done so, install the latest bin patch to your default install of MSTS. Refer to the PDF file if you need to know where to download this patch from.
2. After installing the patch, Copy the following files from the root folder of your default install of MSTS to the "Train Simulator-PRR" root folder;


3. Create a shortcut icon for Train.exe, rename it to PRR Mini Route, or whatever, and place it on the desktop.
4. If you know how, add the bin memory patch by right clicking on the icon and selecting Properties.

You are now ready to explore the largest route ever constructed for MSTS.

Refer to the pre release package PRR-ERFAQ.rtf and "the DVD Version of the route.pdf" for answers to questions and problems concerning the installation, operation of this route, and forums where you can obtain additional help.

O lo que es lo mismo, después de extraer la ruta en una carpeta para la ruta, necesitas copiar y pegar esos archivos en esa carpeta para que esta carpeta se vuelva un MSTS digamos alternativo unicamente para jugar en esta ruta.
Un saludo, J.
El problema de tener una mente abierta, es que la gente se empeña en llegar y tratar de poner cosas dentro.
-- Terry Pratchett
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Registrado: Mar Jun 28, 2011 7:05 pm
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Re: PRR Eastern Division

Notapor alexcasado » Mar Dic 20, 2011 10:30 am

Ok gracias luego lo miro :)
Mensajes: 117
Registrado: Mar Mar 08, 2011 9:07 am

Re: PRR Eastern Division

Notapor RTP » Mar Dic 20, 2011 6:15 pm

Ten en cuenta, que en el MSTS de donde saques los tres ficheros ha de estar instalada la actualizacion Microsoft
y el MSTSbin 1.7 por lo menos.
Bajate actividades, sobre todo para tener mas puntos donde iniciar la exploracion.
Ni se te ocurra editar la ruta.
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Registrado: Mar Ene 01, 2008 8:59 pm
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